Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Task Update 2/5/2013

This past week, I have been getting in touch with lots more companies and people about more awards.  Lensbaby is confirmed, having sent us a gift card already worth $300 for Composer Pro and they have also sent me their logo.  There has been some rough news with Working Films; Robert West, our contact from last year, has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and has forwarded me to a couple new contacts.  I have also been in touch with Saul Molina of American Cinematographer, although I am skeptical that he is actually reading my emails because his responses don't always seem to match mine.  Nonetheless, he has reconfirmed that they are contributing.  Intellect has also given me their logo and are putting their award contribution through.

I am now talking to Jesse Duoma, a Community Leader for The Writer's Store, about a Movie Forms Pro Combo Pack for Narrative (or maybe Visionary).  I have been redirected by Red Rock, Audio Tech, and B & H, so I am still traveling through various departments trying to find a specific contact.  I have not yet heard back from an actual person from Dragonframe, Jungle Software, Lynda.com, and Wacom.  The rest I haven't heard back from at all yet.

I have been trying to get in touch with someone about a conference badge to the Austin Film Festival and my contact is terrible for Notre Dame.

Outside of awards, I got in touch with the downtown restaurant The Greeks for after party catering and they said they would be happy to cater and work out a deal with us.  After my initial contact, Chandler took over.

This coming week will be more of the same: confirming and searching.

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