Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Task List 2/27/2013

This week, I tried to brace the bad news with an increase in momentum.  I heard 'no's' from SCMS and Redrock Micro, but hopefully we can still work with Redrock in the future and I am looking for alternatives to SCMS.  I am still talking to contacts from Sundance and SXSW, although I am sure they are extremely busy, so communication is slow.  Many places have not responded or answered their phones when I call.  I have sent another wave of second or third emails to all the places I have not heard back from.  I have begun exploring a number of new options, such as Etsy private sellers, Wooden Camera, Varizoom, Movie Forms Pro, No Film School, and others.  I have also found a new contact for Digisuites with an indication that we will get a similar deal as last year, which is great news.

I am getting faster at responding while the number of contacts is shrinking.  I probably only worked five or six hours altogether in contacting, calling, responding, and following up with people, with an additional four or five hours probably watching the rest of the films for programming.

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