Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Task List 3/12

I am receiving fewer and fewer responses.  Most of the new places I have contacted (Wooden Camera, Abelcine, Vifocam, Movie Budgets, etc.) have not responded.  I am still waiting to hear from a few but I'm searching for alternatives.  Time is winding down though so I am preparing to have a finalized list.

Karen Emerson of Audio-Technica has been very helpful; they are still donating the PRO-24 mic but she is personally overseeing its delivery to make sure we get one before March ends.  I also have sent an email to Christine Becker apologizing and clarifying my earlier mistake.

I have contacted Slamdance and Austin Film Fest about passes (Sundance and SXSW had both responded but it seems they are very busy and are quite slow in contact).

I heard from Brianna from Redrock about the best time during the fiscal year; she said there wasn't a particularly good time, it was based more upon priority and budget.  However, she seems very nice and I think we have established a solid contact so I have confidence they would work well with us in the future.

I had no internet access for much of Spring break, so I was not able to log in as many hours as usual.  I probably spent about 4 hours total.

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