Monday, March 25, 2013

Task List 3/26

There has been some good news relative to last week.  Bill Chandler replied that Cinelab is still donating and has given me the information I needed for their donation.  Austin has pledged a Weekend Badge and given me the paperwork for their contribution.  Oliver Mellan has replied and is donating an incredible 8 packaged of Delirium and Damage for a total of $2792.  I have also heard a confirmation from Karen of Audio-Technica that the mic has finally shipped and we should expect it very soon.

I had a brief correspondence with Film Tools, but it does not seem as though they are inclined to offer anything. I will keep trying.  I would love to get at least one more award donated and I am working to make that happen.

I have received logos now from all those confirmed and uploaded them to Dropbox.  I have also compiled a list of all awards and am updating the spreadsheet.  We have an amazing total of $9,418 worth of awards, which is a complete surprise to me but is mostly due to Toon Boom's and Digieffects' amazing contributions.

I seem to have established a very friendly rapport with many of my contacts and I feel confident that many of them will be more than willing to work with us in the future.  As I have said before, there are others who also have expressed interest in working with us in the future although they declined this year.  I am making a list of those possible contacts. 

I am beginning to panic a bit because Adobe's contact Wendy Grim has still not responded and I have tried numerous times to reach her.  I need her donation of the Creative Cloud.  I am desperately trying to lock this award down and have a conversation with her.  I am still looking at alternatives.

In other news, I visited an Into to Spanish Cinema and gave a quick presentation of Visions.  I was very warmly received both by Dr. Camivella and by her class, which surprisingly mostly consisted of Spanish students.  This was a welcome new demographic.  I presented this year's trailer and showed them the website and how to register.  I was asked a few questions and the general attitude was of interest.  I got the feeling that many of them did not know too much about Visions beforehand, so I definitely feel like my presence there was necessary.  It went very well.

This past week I have been extremely sick, so I feel like I have not been as productive as I hoped to be; sitll, I probably put in close to 11-12 hours of work overall, at least an hour or two every day.  I need Adobe and I want someone else.  I'm working hard to get both.

Task List 3/19

This week has been about turning up the volume a little bit.  I have reached out for final confirmations on all of those who offered an award to touch base, get logos, and make sure all of the awards would come in on time.  Audio-Technica has pledged to send their mic before the end of March. I have contacted Bill Chandler of Cinelab, still waiting to hear back. I am also trying to reach Oliver Mellan from Digieffects.

I am also contacting a number of alternates and extras, including Pixcel as a possible substitute for Cinelab if that falls through. I have emailed Film Tools, B&H, Ikan for a Follow Focus kit, an EV2 Stealth ENG Shoulder Mount, or an Image 2000 XL-1 Camera Support.  I have also emailed Dana Dolly again for a Portable Camera Dolly System.  I have looked at Indie Film Depot and IndyFilmGear for more eclectic, out-of-the-box gift ideas.  I have contacted Austin Film Festival and Slamdance to see about receiving passes.  I have also sent out another last ditch effort round of emails to all those I have been trying to contact since January, such as Blackbird, Varizoom, Criterion, and a number of others.  I have been trying as well to get in touch with somebody at Barnes & Noble or Amazon, but this seems to be a complete effort in futility.

This week has been enormously frustrating.  Over 90% of the places I reach out to do not even contact me back, and then of those that due it seems like half decline the offer.  I feel like a have to balance between being sort of pushy and demanding to receive what I need when I need it yet also being grateful and careful so as not to discourage people from contributing.  It's tricky to get used to. 

The upcoming week will see more of the same as the pressure and deadlines build and build.  I am keeping a running total of all those who have confirmed and those we have already received prizes from.  I am also keeping a list of specific caveats relative to each company's requests (American Cinematographer, for example, want me to send them the winner's information so that they can contact the winner personally to deliver the award).  I am also going to be working with Sara Reedy in putting together the Awards certificates; I have received the $20 in order to do this at the office.

I have put in roughly 10 hours of work in terms of contacting people, calling, emailing, touching base, researching for new awards, and recording results.  I anticipate this will increase in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Task List 3/12

I am receiving fewer and fewer responses.  Most of the new places I have contacted (Wooden Camera, Abelcine, Vifocam, Movie Budgets, etc.) have not responded.  I am still waiting to hear from a few but I'm searching for alternatives.  Time is winding down though so I am preparing to have a finalized list.

Karen Emerson of Audio-Technica has been very helpful; they are still donating the PRO-24 mic but she is personally overseeing its delivery to make sure we get one before March ends.  I also have sent an email to Christine Becker apologizing and clarifying my earlier mistake.

I have contacted Slamdance and Austin Film Fest about passes (Sundance and SXSW had both responded but it seems they are very busy and are quite slow in contact).

I heard from Brianna from Redrock about the best time during the fiscal year; she said there wasn't a particularly good time, it was based more upon priority and budget.  However, she seems very nice and I think we have established a solid contact so I have confidence they would work well with us in the future.

I had no internet access for much of Spring break, so I was not able to log in as many hours as usual.  I probably spent about 4 hours total.