Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Task Update 01/22/2012

This week has been mostly about getting acclimated into my new position with the Awards Department.  I have gone to several meetings to discuss the responsibilities of the Awards position.  Joey and I have met to discuss how we will share these responsibilities and we have established that Joey will brainstorm ideas for potential awards while I will contact the individual companies and keep track of the awards that are coming in.

Aside from that, my only real tasks were updating my biography for the Visions website, scheduling an intended lockdown for all awards (planning on a February 26 deadline), and reading through all of the abstracts that got sent in to us for the conference.  Some of the abstracts I thought were really good, some were really terrible.  I found myself oscillating between being unreasonably harsh on scoring the abstracts and allowing too much leniency.  In the end, I think I struck a decent balance and made sure each abstract got its individual due.

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